Monday, October 3, 2011

an apple kind of weekend

saturday morning started with tender toffee apple scones and was followed by some unsuccessful shopping at bloomie's for friends & family. {though, bloomie's comes with the added bonus of fresh veggie juice and a chicken salad wrap}

{missed photo op: i took this shopping opportunity to don my new bright blue j brand "jeans" - and my delicious black}

sunday started with more veggie deliciousness.

i call this gem: a good morning kick in a glass
1/3 lemon
1 inch ginger (small piece)
2 beetroot leaves
1 cup spinach
1 cup parsley
1 small jazz apple

create two bundles with each the parsley and spinach. wrap each bundle with a beetroot leaf. juice it all together.

the result is spicy and tart and yummy. wakes ya right up!

then it was off to the orchard for the last honeycrisp day of the season.

last time the conditions were beautiful. this time a little less than. i opted for a long sleeve shirt, jeans and my "fireman" boots. the mister went with shorts and a polo. no jackets for either of us. no check of the weather.

upon arrival it's chilly...and misty...i feel awful because our trip was the result of my prodding. we started, as we did last time, with a cup of coffee and a cider donut each. then we made our way out to the misty fields to make the most of it.

to start, the tractor that pulled up for us was the only one that wasn't covered {we could have walked but the mister thought the tractor would be faster an we wouldn't be as so much}. the seats were wet but we survived. into the fields we chose the first row of honeycrisps to begin our adventure. the end of the row had been thoroughly picked, but i surmised that people would assume that everyone else picked through the row and not venture further in. i was right. honeycrisp heaven. he finally had to firmly urge me out of the row to make sure we had room for the other sorts. 

our next stops: 
*honey gold: golden delicious with a blush. grabbed a couple
*macoun: the farmer man said they'd be the crunchiest we'd ever tried. they looked like macintosh - my least favorite. we had to try them...the result was a bit tart like a granny smith and it had the snap that we love. grabbed a bunch
*golden delicious: they looked more like the ginger golds that i loved. grabbed a few.
*mutsu: more like a granny smith? we didn't try them, but grabbed a bunch - some, absolutely massive!

41 apples in total.

Do you know what 41 apples looks like?

that. plus we have a little more than 10 left from last time. as we were walking from the field, the mister commented that we could probably fit one more apple in the bag. too bad we were only near the kinds we didn't like. plus we were damp, frozen fingered and ready to go.

one more stop in the kitchen for some cider and more donuts for home consumption {plus one for the road for the mister and an impulse pumpkin whoopie pie for me} and we were homeward bound.

at home we warmed back up with hot cider and indulged in a lazy afternoon of football (and scrabble).

dinner {and missed photo op #2}: homemade ribs. mmmm.

good weekend.

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