So I'm still working on using my camera. I always have it on hand, but I find that I end up not taking pictures {frequently due to the fact that most of my photo ops include food and typically by the point that I can get a picture I'm starving or otherwise don't have time}.
I'm working on it.
This trip was originally intended as pure vacation...when planned last September. Turned out to be 50% wedding business {though we hoped to fit in more}, 25% driving {not including the trek down} and 25% vacation {all surrounded by food}.
So here goes: the basics of a weeklong trip to Florida as highlighted by few photos and lots of food.
We drove Bella {the marshmella aka my car} to Bradenton to start our trip. We'd just brought her up here in November, but she was getting more dinged up in the parking lot than she was getting used - by a considerable margin no less.
Along the way, we dined at CPK in NJ, stayed at the Hyatt Place {our favorite "budget" hotel} outside of DC, drove past South of the Border {which was surprisingly busy and unsurprisingly scary-looking} on the NC/SC border, stopped for obligatory McDonald's {Cheeseburger Happy Meal no pickles} and pretzel & cheese Combos {travel junk food}. We also drove through speed trap city (Starke/Waldo, FL) and through Gainesville via Williston Rd {we wanted to do a more thorough drive-by for nostalgic purposes but time didn't allow. <sadface>}. [Driving time: Rhode Island to Chantilly, VA: 9 hours, Chantilly, VA to Bradenton, FL: 14 hours]
Plenty of missed photo opportunities fo sho.
Prior to our departure, I decided to make Rice Krispie Treat eggs for the fam for Easter {inspired by all the commercials of the mom and kids making them}. I filled them with the almond m&m's {intended to alternate almond and peanut, but the almonds were too good to sub out}.
The result + setup Easter morning:
{Note: the bunny dish was full and in no time before I got my camera everyone destroyed the bowl}
Missed Easter Ops:
*our Easter baskets. {yes, we're a little old to get full on Easter baskets, but it's fun! I special ordered Reese's Pieces Eggs from the EB and somehow all but a lone egg was devoured in the few days that David and I weren't in Bradenton. This consumption was later denied by both of the only two people that were home in this time.}
*Blakester's Easter Egg Hunt {I was cooking Easter dinner}
*my Easter must-have entree: Phyllo-wrapped Salmon with mustard cream sauce
*my Apple Chevre Tart {first time I've ever made a tart, complete with homemade Pâte Brisée. and it was really freaking good}
Mom reminded that I didn't get any pictures on Easter. I reminded her that I spent literally all day in the kitchen.
Monday through Thursday: missed photo ops galore.
Monday consisted of breakfast with momma, Braendi and David at Gulf Drive Café. Even though we didn't make it out there 'til after noon, I got my standard Spinach & Feta {plus tomatoes} omelet with fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. The service was unusually atrocious, but the food was yummy as expected. Then we spent a few hours on the beach, after which I had little color to show for it with the exception of random sunburnt splotches. The evening was wedding work focused. Cards & cupcakes. All from scratch. Pictures to come.
Tuesday meant getting some business done so we drove over to West Palm for a couple photog meetings {both at Starbucks, which brings David and I up to 4 Starbucks meetings in 2 Florida trips and no coffee to show for it}, between which we squeezed in a light{ish} lunch at Cheesecake. Before heading down to Ft. Lauderdale to meet up with friends, we poked our heads into Anthropologie - a big beautiful Anthro at City Place in West Palm - and picked up a couple of goodies, though none for ourselves. [Driving Time: Bradenton to West Palm: 3 hours, West Palm to Ft. Lauderdale: 1 hour]
In Ft. Lauderdale we stayed again at a Hyatt Place. Tuesday night we met my friend-now-maid-of-honor at Cantina Laredo for dinner. {if I haven't mentioned it before, it's worth checking out it there's one nearby. if I have mentioned it, it's worth checking out if there's one nearby.} We ate way way too much then moved on to Yard House for some assorted beverages. By the end of the night I was convinced that I had far exceeded my stomach's prior capacity.
Wednesday, we hurried to grab a bite to eat before heading back up to West Palm to meet with one more photographer. When we arrived she had coffee and homemade banana bread and cookies waiting for us {what a touch}. [Driving time: Back to West Palm: 1 hour]
Following our meeting we were back on the road to Cape Coral. [Driving time: West Palm to Cape Coral: 3 hours]
To keep with our theme of nonstop consumption we made a detour at one of my favorite Ft. Myers haunts: Chef Brooke's Natural Café for some juice.
I went more fruit than veggie this time with Ogre's Delight (green apple, lemon, ginger & parsley) - it just tasted like ginger lemonade {David said it was too earthy}, and it soothed my unhappy belly. It may not be the prettiest thing ever but I miss getting my juices with my former boss.
Next on the agenda? Need you really ask? Food! Truth be told we had a little break where we actually just got to sit and relax with David's dad. But that filled the space between appointments with food. Dinner was from Chicago Pizza in Cape Coral {my personal order: double pineapple & green pepper}.
The evening was perfectly uneventful. Just family time and relaxation. And I got a little kiddie time in with David's nephews, my little loves, 4 years and 6ish months {seriously the cutest kids ever}.
Thursday morning was more of the same, low key and kiddie-full. Thursday night brought us up to Tampa for dinner at Ceviche with another bridesmaid date and more way-too-much eating, topping our record Tuesday consumption by, oh, at least double. But it was too good to stop. Ceviche is tapas style and I love tapas. By the time we got home (tres late) I was stuffed and completely wiped out. [Driving time: 1.5 hours Cape Coral to Bradenton, 1 hour Bradenton to Tampa, 1 hour back]
Good morning sunshine, time for a royal wedding! Friday started too soon after Thursday ended but we were surprisingly up and at 'em. I made scones to celebrate the occasion.

Apple cinnamon scones to be exact. Again, first time I'd ever made scones. First time I can ever remember eating scones. They went over decently. I made 8 of good size. I had one, Braendi had 2, Mom had 2, David had 3. David's new favorite breakfast food {he has already put in a request for more of the same for this Saturday morning - and the recipe was half ad-libbed!} We also planned on having tea, but we all needed coffee.
Don't for a minute think that was the only epicurean venture for the day...
Friday's Favorite {4.29.2011}:
Central Café. A must-stop every time I'm in Bradenton. Always the same meal too: Tomato Blue Soup & Chicken Salad Salad. Clearly I decimated the soup before I even thought about my shot. It was soooo delish. And, following the week of nonstop eating, I was totally filled to the brim by this starter. I proceeded to devour every last morsel of the salad...followed by a couple of nibbles from mom's {she ordered the same thing and I can't resist candied nuts}. What can I say it was so delightful!
Saturday morning was wedding business yet again. This time in St. Pete. Super-productive planner meeting. Also super long.
Two and a half hours later we bolted home grabbed the fam and booked it to Publix for the best subs you'll ever have {also a requirement for Florida beach outings}, then made it to the beach by 2p. The weather was unbelievable. Breezy. Warm. Perfection.
We spent hours reading and relaxing for our final day. Braendi found what she thought was a hermit crab...turned out to be a conch {which was really cool and then really gross when it started its attempt to return itself to the water}.
Our final must-stop was Tyler's Ice Cream. Again, nothing compares. David's go-to: a Chocolate Malt.
Mine: a banana milkshake {this time prepared with fresh banana and praline ice cream. Heaven in styrofoam. **pumpkin milkshakes are a must-get in the fall}
Dinner {as if it was necessary at this point} would have been leftover subs though mine was lost in a terrible beach accident in which it was somehow placed in the one plastic bag that had a massive hole in it in the ice-filled cooler. The poor sammy-half was waterlogged beyond saving, a sad moment indeed. Mine was the only one lost...
Sunday we were on a plane bright and early back to RI, a lovely and accomplished trip under our belts {including 4 bridesmaids and 1 ring bearer richer). [Driving time: 1 hour. Flying time: 4.5 hours (including a short stop in Philly)]
Other notable highlights:
*teaching Scrabble to Braendi. multiple games played. mom is too good {and I think I play a pretty good game myself}
*candy consumption. it was Easter week after all.
*consideration of travel to Cape Canaveral to see the penultimate shuttle launch. good thing we decided against it as the launch was scrubbed.
[Total Driving time: 35.5 hours (not including any local stuff)]
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