wednesday, my good friend's father lost his battle with ALS {lou gehrig's disease}. a family lost a husband, father and grandfather. the world lost a great man.
Charles "Harpo" Ebert and wife, Robin
i had the pleasure of meeting Harpo at a wisconsin cook-out in florida. at the time, the physical affects of his disease were only apparent in his speech. he was warm and beaming. his daughter said he wasn't angry because God blessed him with a great life.
one month ago, hubby-to-be and i got to wisconsin to visit my friend and her family. i can honestly say i have not met a more kind family, so much heart and love. they opened their arms to us. they found a place in our hearts. i was fortunate to see Harpo again so recently and i was warmed by how much family and love surrounded him.
my heart broke for his family wednesday, though i have faith that he is whole again in Heaven.

i have since donated to the cause. if you're able, i ask that you do too. for Harpo.
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