Tuesday, August 30, 2011

i love to cook. ?

{the beauty that is gillian's roasted veggie sandwich}

i love to cook. lie.

i love to eat. cooking is a means to an end.

i have long said i love to cook. this statement is simply untrue. it's basic correlation-causation confusion.

i love delicious food. if money (and calories) were no object i would go out, order in, or even have a private chef whip me up whatever strikes me. mostly.

i do love to cook any meal that can be thrown together. delicious food that requires little to no thought. breakfast is a go-to. as is spaghetti (perhaps one of my ultimate comforts). i even consider homemade spaghetti sauce as a throw-together. they're mindless for me. all about taste. no recipe required.

recipes, i am learning, are the bane of my kitchen happiness. though, contrarily, i incessantly harvest them. cooking by recipe is eclipsed only by hunting for recipes. so i create a stockpile, referring to my catalogue when i'm feeling uninspired or need a starting point, a la baked goods. i take what i need and make my own variation.

last night's dinner is a perfect example: a grilled variation of the above pictured sammie. inspired by a photo of an eggplant parm pizza, i baked up some breaded eggplant and roasted off zucchini and red onions. add to that a slathering of pizza sauce on one slice of bread, a crumbling of goat cheese, some slow-roasted tomatoes and healthy heaping of spinach. grill it up and you have sandwich bliss...

okay, so most wouldn't consider that many steps (and the time) a throw-together meal - but, even with all the steps, there was little thought involved.

don't those mindless meals just taste that much better?

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