Tuesday, April 5, 2011

an apple a day

They say you eat with your eyes first. Well, let me tell you, Dave's (my favorite grocery store) got me. Having worked in visual, I understand the little things retailers do to make you buy. Regardless, this beautiful apple was too pretty to pass up. There was a mountain of these beauties staring me in the face right when I walked through the door Friday night. The color was so delicious. A perfect yellow, verging on mango. I limited myself to one (every time I experiment with new apples and buy more than one, they fail). Now that it's gone, I wish I had more!

It's called the Opal. It's the offspring of the Golden Delicious and the Topaz (haven't had this one, but am now intrigued). From what I can tell, Opal was introduced to the market about a year ago. Now, I love a great apple. If someone new pops up in produce I'm the first to try. I like 'em sweet with a tartness to balance. And they must be crisp, crisp, crisp. Typically the apples I like best also take a little while to oxidize - perhaps it's the acidity.

So, run, don't walk, to get yourself an Opal (or a bunch).

{Others to try: Jazz (my longstanding fav) and Honeycrisp (typically limited availability, sweeter and ridiculously juicy - wear a bib)}

1 comment:

  1. Honeycrisp is my super favorite! You can get them at Ward's in Gville for really cheap, but lately they have not had them, which makes me sad, but I think it's because they tend to only carry what's in season! ~Lisa
